31 Aug 2024
Match Day 2

A jam packed day today.

Started the day with a training - 1v1 marking in the circle and looking at how we will press with more detail. Everyone I hope walked away with more understanding of what we were after defensively.

Lunch and then time for the girls to walk around Waterloo and the festival that was taking place. Im not sure how much chocoloate is left in the shops!

Then back to the Watducks for a game that the girls were teaching me (I didnt know what was going on), team briefing and match!

Some great performances in the match and a huge improvement in our defending as a team and individually.

Brave award goes to Elke as a year 9 stepping up and answering questions and involving herself in the team talk was a huge step forward. Really impressed.

Relentless to Mila her energy in the game was outstanding and a particular moment where she sprinted to save the ball off the line was particularly impressive.

Engaged goes to Aggie - asking questions on the sideline to ensure she understands the press to a higher level was a particularly great moment to hear.

Most Valued - to the girls who werent playing who at half time without asking filled everyones water bottles.

A great game, we lost but huge strides forward, which at this point of the season is the most important thing, and it appears the girls are having a great experience of hockey, in a great hockey playing country.

Watducks have been awesome hosts and it has been a real pleasure to come back to where I worked previously and have such a warm welcome. It has been really appreciated by all. Thank you Watducks.

Tomorrow we play at Royal Wellington a club a few KM down the road from Watducks.